Whether or not vaping can help people quit smoking is somewhat of a controversial issue. The Government and Big Pharma are in it together, throwing shade on the ecigarette industry. Those outside the vaping industry contend that it doesn’t help and can actually be a gateway to smoking, drugs, and other vices. Others say that vaping is only a temporary solution for people trying to quit smoking.
A recent survey proves otherwise – that vaping is a good option to help smokers butt out once and for all. At the end of 2015, the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association performed a study and found that almost 90% of vapers say they quit smoking for good after they started vaping regularly. Only 5% continue to smoke regularly after taking up vaping.
The study also found:
- Almost everyone had attempted to quit smoking prior to vaping regularly
- Only 6% had not previously attempted to quit smoking before using ecigarettes
- Of the 5% who continue to smoke, 34% smoke less than one per day on average, and only 23% smoke more than 5 cigarettes per day, since starting to vape.
According to Chief Scientific Officer at CASAA Carl V Phillips, “51% of those who had not quit smoking entirely credited e-cigarettes with helping them almost quit smoking and another 44% credited e-cigarettes with helping them smoke a lot less. Only 3% indicated they use e-cigarettes as a partial substitute but still smoke almost as much as they used to, with almost none saying they smoke fully as much as they used to. A few (1%) indicated they both reduced their smoking, but do not credit that to e-cigarettes.”
“It is the best-defined population of any survey of e-cigarette users to date,” he adds.
Based on this study, it is clear that ecigarettes are a viable option for people who want to transition away from traditional tobacco smoking. Considering the ineffectiveness of other methods such as pharmaceuticals and counseling, it is definitely worth a try if you are serious about making the switch once and for all.
Read More Vaping Studies
Studies Support Vaping as an Alternative to Smoking
UK Study Endorses E-Cig Vaping
The post Study Finds Vaping Helps Smokers appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

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