Edmonton, Alberta, is the latest Canadian city to jump on the e-cigarette hate wagon. Following Calgary’s lead, Edmonton has proclaimed a ban on the use of ecigs in all public places where smoking tobacco is also prohibited. In our ongoing quest to keep our vaping readers up to date on the latest e-cigarette legal information, public places where vaping is now banned include:
- inside a building
- on a patio (really?)
- inside a public vehicle (bus, streetcar, tram, subway and/or taxi)
- within five metres of a doorway, window or air intake of a building or patio
- within ten metres of a playground, seasonal skating rink, skate park, sports field or water spray park or splash pad
- and within all ‘no smoking’ areas
Calgary, Alberta, passed a very similar bylaw in June, 2015, and included everything Edmonton did, as well as bars, bus stops and LRT platforms. Yes – you heard right – vaping is banned at outdoor bus stops and on LRT platforms! Joining Red Deer, Cold Lake and Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary now have the toughest policies against ecigarettes in Canada. Vapers will be allowed to vape if they’re in a licensed vape shop trying out new equipment or e-juice.
US forbids airline passengers from packing ecigs in checked luggage
On to our neighbours to the south, where there’s some e-cigarette news that’s a little easier to take. Sensibly, a new federal regulation forbids airline passengers from packing electronic cigarettes or other battery-operated electronic smoking devices in their checked bags – to prevent in-flight fires. Passengers will still be allowed to pack their vape paraphernalia in their carry-ons, but will not be allowed to charge their devices while on the plane.
Apparently the US Department of Transportation has reported at least 26 packed luggage e-cig incidents since 2009 – including explosions and fires. The most likely cause is blamed on e-cigarettes that were accidently left on, were ’bumped’ on during baggage handling or had battery short-circuits. LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) even reported a checked bag that caught fire on the luggage carousal due to an overheated e-cig packed inside.
So whatever happened to vaping etiquette & common sense?
Should you vape in your office building or while visiting at the hospital? No! But should it be okay to vape on a pretty much vacant outdoor LRT or subway platform or at a bus stop? We think so!
What do you think?
The post Ecigarette News: Legal Updates on Vaping appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

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