Literally! Have you heard the latest news regarding exploding e-cigs? Just last week a 21-year-old Florida man was rushed to the Burn Unit at a Miami hospital after his e-cigarette exploded in his face. He was put into an induced coma after surgery and at last word was still unable to breathe on his own. His face, neck, hands and lungs were all impacted by the explosion.
While his mother is railing against the unknown dangers of vaping, North Collier Fire Rescue is working alongside the state of Florida to determine if the lithium battery inside the device could have caused the explosion.
Modify you e-cig at your own risk
As more and more tobacco smokers witch to electronic devices, the temptation by experienced e-cig users to modify their hardware has been difficult to resist. ‘Modding’ is the practice of modifying a part or parts of e-cigarette hardware to perform a function not originally conceived or intended by the designer.
Specifically, most modders are looking for more vapor production. In short, the more power, the more vapor and therefore a more powerful hit. There are various methods available to achieve this, including shortening the coils on the inside of the e-cigarette, and playing with the battery.
We won’t tell you how to do this for obvious reasons, but should you be successful in modifying your e-cig and then have an accident, don’t expect any compensation from the manufacturer. Once you’ve tampered with the product, all liability is off the table.
Do NOT use cell chargers for your e-cig
Another dangerous practice involves charging the battery of the e-cig. Both cell phones and e-cigarettes use the same style charger, so some vapers are using the cell phone charger, not realizing that it puts out twice as many amps as their e-cig charger. What happens then? It forces more of a charge into the battery, makes it hotter and potentially more volatile.
First prize for the worst thing a vaper can do with their e-cig goes to charging it and using it at the same time, which increases the likelihood of an explosion.
What’s the bottom line? While there are no guarantees in this world, you can count on a safe vaping experience as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions … and use some common sense.
The post E-cigarettes are Exploding in the News! appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

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