You can vape in a car, you can vape in a bar
You can vape in the rain, but not on a train …
Where exactly can you vape these days? And for that matter, where exactly can’t you vape? Starting with where you’d most like to be able to vape, we’re finding in our town we can vape in most bars and on their patios. These ‘locals’ are mid- to upper-level chain establishments who wisely know their customer base will spend their dollars where they can vape.
We’ve never tested the interior restaurant area – we just wouldn’t. But when we’re seated at the bar or out on the patio, vaping has never been an issue. A fellow vaper tells us that her doctor’s office is vape-friendly. This doc gets it – she says, and we quote, “vaping is the gateway to a smoke and tobacco-free lifestyle. “ Amen, Doc!
Where can’t you vape?
Almost everywhere you can’t smoke, including inside public buildings, malls and schools, and on public transportation including planes, trains and buses. Public parks and soccer fields are now mostly smoke-free zones and at this moment we don’t have any concrete evidence as to whether vaping there is also frowned upon or not.
Where can you vape?
On a lighter note, we recently heard of one place you can vape and it’s one we had never remotely considered – the forest. A friend is preparing for hunting season and asked us to recommend an e-cigarette for a novice. He also wondered which e-juice flavours we thought would be most attractive to the deer.
We warned him to stay away from the liquor-flavoured e-liquids, like Red Wine, as venison is often braised in vino, or sherry or bourbon, and that could be off-putting to some deer. We advised him to choose Green Apple or Carrot Cake e-juice for obvious reasons. (You can’t make this stuff up, folks.)
Do you have any anecdotal info regarding vaping in public parks or on soccer pitches? Let us know!
The post You Can Vape on the Trip, But Not on the Ship appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

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