Security: “Excuse me, you can’t vape here. It’s against the law.”
Vendor: “But… this is a vape convention.”
Security: “Nevertheless.”
Add this to your ridiculist of vaping news – ‘Vape Expo NJ’ was recently held at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center, and it wasn’t exactly what we would call a roaring success. The lesson to be learned here, is never assume anything.
Promoters Andy Balogh and Don Miller did exactly that – they assumed when leasing the New Jersey facility for a Vape Convention, that vaping would be allowed. Wrong! After the director of GASP (Global Advisors on Smoke-free Policy) called the state senator, fines were issued to both the promoters and vendors in the amount of approximately $16,000.
It should be noted that New Jersey has an indoor smoking ban that came into effect in 2010. Said Balogh “The township signed off. They knew there would be vaping.” That may be, but why then did the promoters make the Vape Expo a private membership club, with each participant agreeing to become a member? To circumvent the indoor smoking ban, of course.
In the same month (July 2015) in California, it was announced that e-cigarettes and e-juice will soon be considered to be the same as tobacco products. That bill is about to be passed in the state which boasts the highest concentration of vape shops and e-juice manufacturers. Big Pharma strikes again.
On the same day as the California announcement, the U.K.’s National Health endorsed vaping as a safe nicotine replacement therapy, and also stated it believes vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco cigarettes. Well, at least someone gets it.
We move now to Canada, and ask if you are as tired as we are of Big Brother deciding what we, as adults, can or cannot eat, drink … and smoke? In Ontario, the Liberals have decided to allow us to purchase six-packs of beer in grocery stores – only if the store posts a $7500 ‘bond’ for the privilege of selling them. But I digress.
Greedy governments almost everywhere (exclude the U.K.) know they are about to lose mega tax dollars due to dropping tobacco sales and illegal reservation smoke shops, so, they’re going to go after vape manufacturers and sellers. What a tax and health mess!
What do you think? Weigh in with your opinions on the latest vaping news below.
The post The Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

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