Anthony Bourdain, host of CNN’s ‘Parts Unknown’, recently claimed that Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, vapes. Although we tried, we couldn’t find any concrete evidence to back up Tony’s statement, but we did find confirmation of some other A-list celebrity ecig vapers.
Katherine Heigl is hands-down the leader of our list. ‘Izzy’ of Grey’s Anatomy appeared on Letterman in 2010 and introduced us to her e-cigarette. We actually wondered if she was on the PV payroll, as she showed us the working parts of her device and gave us a thorough demonstration of how it worked. She even offered Dave a drag, and he accepted! Later, in Parade Magazine, Heigl credited e-cigarettes with helping her stay tobacco-free for six months. Bravo Katherine!
Leonardo DiCaprio used to enjoy the occasional cigarette and rumour has it he still puffs fine cigars. But recently Leo has been spotted in public using his PVD, perhaps hoping, like Heigl, to wean himself off tobacco cigarettes for good. Leo is an avid defender of ecigs, and is credited with convincing many Hollywood personalities to give them a try – among them Dennis Quaid,, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Charlie Sheen, Cristina Ricci, Ashton Kutcher, Sienna Miller, Colin Farrell and (wait for it …) Jack Nicholson!
Johnny Depp The first time an electronic cigarette was seen on the big screen was in the film, The Tourist. During a train journey to Venice ‘Frank’ (Depp) smokes an e-cigarette while reading his book as ‘Elise’ (Angelina Jolie) approaches and introduces herself. Johnny vaped correctly!
Susan Cameron (not really a celebrity, but …), CEO of Reynolds American Inc. (Camel and Pall Mall cigarettes), is a former smoker who now vapes. Before quitting smoking, Ms. Cameron used to suck on Camel Strips (dissolvable tobacco wafers) while chairing Reynolds board meetings. What’s interesting about Susan Cameron is that under her leadership, Reynolds is testing the smoke-free waters with Camel Orbs, small oval-shaped lozenges, and Camel Snus, a spit-free, smoke-free, mess-free tobacco in a pouch.
Reynolds recently bought Niconovum AB, a Swedish manufacturer of nicotine gums and sprays, making it the first Big Tobacco company to transition into NRT products. We’re not surprised at that, and you shouldn’t be either, as we all know it’s only a matter of time until e-cigarettes will outsell regular cigarettes and tobacco-related products.
We’re not saying that just because celebrities are vaping you should too. What we are saying is there’s a lot to be said for seeking alternatives to cigarette smoking, and the e-cigarette is certainly at the top of that category … and growing fast!
Tell us which celebrity ecig vapers you’ve spotted recently!
The post 14 Famous Celebrity Ecig Vapers appeared first on Vapor Jedi Eliquid and Vape Accessories.

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